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Sunday, October 31, 2004


The boldest BATR series yet. For the first time specific solutions, alternatives and options for social problems, will be presented.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

BATR Editorial: The National Election Fraud

Estranged citizens understand the idiocy of voting for no real choice. Misguided and confused voters continue to cast ballots with no reasonable expectation for improvement. The exclusion rule of twin criminal enterprises ensures that no competition is allowed. Voting for which skull will pick your bones is a classic example of insanity - repeating the same behavior and expecting different results.

There is no duty or honor in selecting your executioner. Your obligation is to reject the bogus scam of a national election. Political parties are a curse upon the American Memory.

Condoning the systemic manipulation of governance - as legitimacy - proves the inept aptitude of the public. All that matters is who does the counting of the ballots. This cycle was never even a semblance of a contest, both Bush and Kerry crusade for a greater Israel, expand the size and scope of the State and open the borders to the real terrorist invasion.

When was the last time the country was really on the right track? Answer: Well before any of us were born. The dumbing down of America is nearly complete. The best and the brightest reject this facade. Politics requires a full time commitment and a voting day repudiation.

The only sensible alternative is to regain your Inherent Autonomy. Action is imperative, voting is irrational.

Friedrich Nietzsche had it right: “Insanity in individuals is something rare -- but in groups, parties, nations, and epochs it is the rule”.

SARTRE - October 19, 2004

Sunday, October 10, 2004

Newest BATR series - Inherent Autonomy

With the conclusion of the election boycott, an additional series will begin - Inherent Autonomy. Look for new SARTRE essays come November.